
Andreas Sjödin

Andreas Sjödin

Born in 1982. Lives in Stockholm. Working as a car mechanic and engine overhauler on Åkes Bil & Motor/Birka Motorrenoveringar. Also runs the company Sjödin Motorsport Race Cars building and reparing race car chassis.

Role in the team: Driver, tuner, owner, mechanic, homepage, contact person, media, pretty much everything!

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Åke Sjödin

Åke Sjödin

Born in 1960. Lives in Farsta/Stockholm. Working as a car mechanic and engine overhauler and also owns Åkes Bil & Motor/Birka Motorrenoveringar & Sjödin Motorsport Race Cars/ÅBM Racing.

Role in the team: Owner, main sponsor, be the oldest one, motor / mechanic bottom engine and yes he is Andreas father.

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John Johansen

John Johansen

Born in 1975. Lives in Täby, Stockholm. Working as a service adviser at Volvo.

Role in the team: Makes the car shine and helping out where it’s needed

Sofi Stam