Me and Max spent the day getting the trailer to Sala Truck Service, they will help us lower and put on a new roof and do some other body repair on it, will be ready in a couple of weeks and then it’s time to get the lift gate, side door stairs to the level in place. This feels good!

A huge thanks to Jonnie Lindberg for letting us use the truck! 😀


I have been quiet for a while now but a lot have happened the last 8 weeks, the blue bus we once started to build on is now sold and gone and now we have bought a Gray Adams semi trailer instead! 😀 We have already started to work on the Chevelle and its over 3 months left of this year!? Yeah I know, really strange but it also feels really good, maybe for once some stuff will be done and ready in time…. Well, we got a lot to do this coming winter… Look at the pics below 😉


This will be really good when it’s ready! 🙂 But the most important thing to next year is just to make it safe, legal and ready to use on the road next season.


It’s a lot of room in it, two levels that are 13 long and 2.5 meters wide.

Awesome, thumbs up!

And this one is story for us now…. But I am glad that I found someone that bought it and will continue to build it and make it ready instead of just put it on a junk yard…. The funny thing is that it went back to Piteå were I bought it for 5 years ago! (But not to the same person)

This is a couple of weeks ago, the Chevelle is already in the winter sleeping spot! Impressive!! 😉

Engine out, parts controlled and sold!

Empty… 🙂

The drivers suit is already 5 years old!!… Time to send it and some other stuff to USA and get it recertified.

I will soon update you guys with more news and also what we have done on the trailer so far.

Stay tuned!
