We soon got one more shaky round against Andy Robinson in E2!

But first, some rain again!…

Kunc got some issues with the chutes so we got a bye, lucky for us because I’m totally lost when it comes to this car right now!…

It does NOT respond to ANYTHING AT ALL!…

Directly after our round we got some rain and I do not think all Pro Mods have done their elimination rounds!

Motor is ok so we are waiting for E2 right now!

Today is race day, we are up against our Swedish buddies in Kunc Pro Mod with Peter behind the wheel in E1!

We are ready to warm up the engine, but we need to wait 30 minutes due to we can’t make noise before 09:00.

The ladder for today! Wish us luck!

From what I have heard and understand the qualifying for the FIA classes are cancelled due to the rain!

That really sucks because we REALLY needed that one to continue to figure out the car!…

Well, it is what it is and tomorrow we have race day!

Car is done ready for it, when it comes to the tuning I now have a whole night to overthink and to mess things up!… 😉

Did some pedaling just to get some better numbers for the qualifying, and also to be able to feel some in the car when shifting gears and pull the chutes!

The weather does not look so great right now and it’s getting colder and more windy!

But it might change and they did just call us to roll up in about 90 minutes!

Stay tuned!

We are going out for the next round in about 30 minutes!

It’s been raining during the night and the crew are out with the jet dryer to get some heat in the track!

We have been told that they will come by 1 hour before it’s time for us, they of course want to make sure that the track is safe for us!

This was today’s schedule from the beginning, I’m pretty sure it will be some changes to it because of the weather forecast!


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