It’s 05:00 in the morning and 54 hours of traveling since we left Santa Pod have come to an end! And now after 18 days together we are really tired of each other, and need to go separate ways!.. Just kidding! Haha, we are still friends! 🙂

When it comes to our trip it’s been pretty smooth, only small issues! Haha! ABS warning lamp, the AC stopped cooling, the trailer generator almost started a fire, pinched an air hose on the trailer that started a leak and dropped down the suspension and put the chassis to the ground. Then we heard a strange noice when we got back to the harbor in Travemunde yesterday and found an attachment for a fender on the truck that was loose! But I think that’s pretty ok for 90-100 hours of total traveling time and 3600 kilometers on the road! 🙂 So the rig did good this time also!

A quick little trip through a total of 6 different country’s from the ÅBM shop to Santa Pod Raceway!

Kind of funny, 18 days away from everything at home for 14 rounds in the Vette with mixed results at Santa Pod Raceway!… And before that we have spent about 6 months of preparations just to get there!

It’s been a lot of up and downs during Doorslammers, testing and Main Event! I’m not satisfied with what I succeeded with when it comes to the numbers on the car!…

Bad ass pic BTW! 🙂

But I’m learning, this is not simple and I’m not interested in paying someone else doing the tuning for me!

I’m really sad that the rain stopped our E3 round, that one might have been a really good one, but we will never know! So in my mind it was good! 😉

The weekend ended in a way I didn’t want it to and I need to figure out what to do from now on!

I will sum up the weekends at Santa Pod soon in a different post! 🙂

Thanks to Santa Pod and the awesome bad ass working crew for having us!

Thanks to the team, family, friends and all of our partners that made this trip to England and Santa Pod Raceway possible for us to do!

Stay tuned!

A really great visit ended really bad in many ways, and I want to clarify that the crew at Santa Pod have made an awesome job all weekend doing all they can getting a track for us to race on!! I’m disappointed on the communication, please try to understand that everyone that wasn’t sitting in your drivers suit waiting on nothing!

So once again, thanks to the awesome crew at Santa Pod Raceway!!!

They let us wait for hours just to cancel the race when the sun been out for an hour or so. When we were really sure they had the track under control and gonna let us go out for the semi final…

Let’s pack this up!

Over and out!

It rained for a while and then the sun came back!

The track crew are working on drying up the track and get it ready for us! 🙂 But… It looks on the weather forecast that we will get some more rain around 7, and that’s about 30 minutes away from now!…

The great part with Santa Pod Raceway is that they can be loud late compared to other tracks in Europe!… So it might be a late evening here!

Hold your thumbs for us! 😀

We are up against Stian in E3, but first some drizzle again!….

Andy did hit a red light, I started to shake really early in the round again!… BUT managed to shift early and stay in it and never had to lift, so we got down!

We finally got our first 3.9 pass and 6.0 pass that we were looking for last weekend!… Also the first full pass this weekend.

Like I said befor, if this would have been easy it would still be called football! 😉

E3 in about 50 minutes!

Stay tuned!

We are covered up and playing the waiting game at the moment!

We soon got one more shaky round against Andy Robinson in E2!

But first, some rain again!…


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