I have been quiet for a while now, time for some updates!

The off season is here for real and pretty much nothing have been made around the racing circus since the last outing at Tierp Arena in the end of July, except for the last couple of weeks when me an Max (of course, who else) !? 🙂 have spent some time unloading the Chevelle and got the truck and trailer inspected, repaired and approved and legal to use for one more year on the Swedish roads!

After that we took the rig up north Sweden were it will be kept inside a warm shop so it won’t get more destroyed during the cold and wet Swedish winter weather, and also one really good thing is that I don’t need to see it standing outside the shop every day and make me sad..! 😀

The last hours of practice driving with Kermit and the trailer is over for 2017 and the rig is inside a warm safe shop to spend the winter! It feels kind of strange that all this is ours and already inspected and done for a coming season in the end of a season, this is usually a problem before the first event to solve but I felt that I don’t wanna do like we always do, need to start get things organized from now on…

Just some normal maintenance and control, we haven’t done anything at all to the truck since we bought it earlier this year more than fill it with fuel and drive it. We did also repair the ABS system so we got the warning symbol for it turned off, thanks to Jörgen Berg for helping out with a diagnostic diagram! 🙂

Time so see some light and get out from the trailer after sitting in it for 8 weeks, now back in the shop again and hopefully soon in the correct winter location with the blanket over so I don’t have to see her for a while…

The trailer is ready for the winter and cleaned out so we don’t get any disgusting surprises next year just because someone forgot or left some food or so in it.

At the yearly control! And it turned out pretty good. 

The trailer went trough smoothly but on the truck they didn’t like an ugly mark in the windshield that I did fix with a day or two of wet sanding and polishing 🙂 Not so fun but way cheaper that change the windshield.

Above you can see the difference on the windshield, been on my way doing this for a long time but haven’t got time for it and put my priorities on other stuff… but feels good now when it’s done! 🙂

And then they also found a steering rod that was in really bad shape so that one felt pretty ok to change even that it is a heavy job to do….! 😉

Then we loaded my daily Volvo in the trailer, took out all the things I might need in the shop during the winter and started our trip up north.

But first a stop at our awesome parter Bengtssons Smide to pick up some material that we are supposed to mount on the outside of the trailer during the winter when it been standing in the warm shop long enough to dry up everywhere.

Then to Opus to make the after control of the things they found on the yearly inspection.

And then the 7-8 hour trip to the winter place, of course it’s important to eat a lot on the way! 🙂

At the final destination and in the parking spot around 8 in the evening, now it’s just the 5-6 hour drive to get home again! 


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