Well, we just got the order that we will be called to make a pass at 3:00!…

So instead!


We got our brand new Berg & Sjödin Motorsport supporter T-shirts and Hoodies with us here for Doorslammers and Main Event!

T-shirt kids to 3XL £20

Zip Hoodie kids to 3XL £40

And swing by our pit area and pick up a Hero Card for free! 😀

Let’s do this!

A bit messy day today, time flies and we did not get the number of rounds I hoped for today!..

But pretty ok day anyway after all! 🙂

First round the car shaked really early in the round so I aborted it!

Next I at least manage to shift to second gear! A bit surprised over how the car worked and I shifted way too early and went into a shake…

4.21 is a personal best I think! :). Hahaha!… But we are getting closer to figure out the car, and find out what it wants!

But I’m / we are pretty happy anyway with the day, and look forward to tomorrow now with some good data on the car to start work from!

The people here at the Pod really likes the Vette! 🙂

Now some service!

Change transmission!

And food!

The Vette is ready after last nights “team warm up” rebuilding the engine! 🙂

We will get some lunch and then make a first soft test hit here pretty soon!

It’s Friday and time for The Doorslammers! We got open testing from 9:30 to 4:30 today before the late night qualifying starts at 5:30!

I’m looking at getting 2 test hits and we will probably go out after lunch around 1:00 today for the first soft test just to get some early numbers on the car to see if the changes I made on it is done in the right direction!

Today we got some sun, instead of the rain we got pretty much all day yesterday! 🙂

It’s time for breakfast!

Yesterday the rest of the team arrived from Sweden, and we started directly to prepare some stuff for the weekend!

Then we found a little issue in the warm up that we had to fix, we can call it “practice work” 😉

But she is back together again and soon time to warm her up!

Stay tuned!

Me and Daniel did finally arrive at Santa Pod Raceway in England at 7 this morning after a 44-ish hour long trip through Europe from the ÅBM shop!

And I want to say a special thanks to Neale at Santa Pod for all the help with the customs papers that we needed because of Brexit! It went so smoothly both at the French border and then here at the border / customs in The UK! Would not been possible without the help from Neale! 😀

After that we got about 2.5 hours of sleep and then did roll into the track and started to set up our pit area and get things ready for the weekend!

After we got the pit area done we unloaded the Vette! And did put her on English soil for the first time!

After that Daniel started to finish up som small stuff and I did start to clean out the mess in the trailer! 🙂

Then she got her new pajamas on!

Preparations for the coming weekend will continue now for a couple of hours and then tomorrow so we will be ready for the Doorlammers race that starts on Friday!

Stay tuned!

Me and Daniel arrived in Travemunde 7 o’clock this morning!

Yesterday we took the trip from the ÅBM shop to the harbor in Malmö to catch the ferry over the night to Travemunde harbor!

The trip went pretty smooth!

And the check in was really simple when we got the passports with us… What a mess it was in 2019 when me and Max forgot them back home!…

On the boat it was really tight just like always!.. 🙂

For some reason we got upgraded from a regular cabin to a suite, and we did not complain about that! 😀 Well, we could have spent more time in it but it’s only a 9 hour trip!

In Germany. Here we go again!

It will be a lot of this riding through Europe today, we got about 800 kilometers to the next ferry in Dunkerque / France that will take us over to Dover in England!

Hopefully late tonight! 🙂

Me and Daniel did just leave the ÅBM shop and have started our trip to Santa Pod Raceway for the Doorslammers this coming weekend and then The Main Event next weekend! 🙂

Yesterday I went to Ludvika so we could take care of the last stuff and we did load up everything in the trailer!

After that I took the trip back to the ÅBM shop and we are now ready to hit the road and heading for Santa Pod Raceway for the race this coming weekend at The Doorslammers!

The 2024 season start is getting REALLY close now!

See you soon at Santa Pod Raceway!


SjodinMotorsport @ Instagram

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