Thanks to all of our partners for supporting us and making this possible for us to do! 🙂

Weather is awesome and the car is hopped up a bit, time to have som fun!

But now I just heard that it is a clean up after a oil down.

Stay tuned! 🙂

We are ready to warm the motor up and I have hopped the tuning up a bit from yesterday’s safe set up! Gonna be interesting to see how the car react to it! 🙂

Good morning Saturday! 🙂 It’s 8:40 in the morning and it’s a warm and sunny day!

Max arrived late last night in Sofi’s “blueberry” like he calls it! 😉 Sofi prefer no name it Plutten, at least it’s a Chevrolet!… 🙂

The crew are out on the track dragging rubber, I believe the track will be even better today so I look forward to continue to work from my baseline from yesterday.

But first of all, breakfast!

Must say that I did have an awesome day today here at Hudik Raceway! Great people, great track and just an great feeling all day! 🙂

The Chevelle is pretty much done for the first test round tomorrow!

Sofi made it look good and clean tonight! 🙂

Over and out! Zzz Zzz

4.02 @ 289km/h in first test pass after 451 days off from racing!

Was looking for a 4.00 so I’m pretty satisfied with this 4.02 even that i did have the chutes out and off the throttle a bit before the finish line! 🙂

Feels good with an A to B pass after this long time!

Motor is happy!

Messed up an 10 passes old blower belt but that’s ok if you ask me! 😉

Now some service and get her ready for tomorrow’s testing! Food and a good nights sleep is also something on the wishlist! 😉

Before I put my fire suit on I needed to do one last really important thing to me! Ulf King Korv Schill is a big part why I’m able to do what I do today, we lost him last year from planet earth but he will NEVER be forgotten! I miss you my friend! 🙁

She sounded happy! 🙂 Now a valve lash check and then a test pass!

And fix a air hose leak that started for some reason!..

We are here without any expectation at all this weekend, we are here to have some fun and get some rust off us and the Chevelle to get prepared for next season!

So we are building race car.

And cleaning race car so far! 🙂

Looking at making one pass today before 5 this afternoon so we got about 2 hours of waiting for you guys out there that wanna know how we do on the track! 😉


SjodinMotorsport @ Instagram

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