It’s Saturday and we still got a warm and sunny weather! 🙂

We will go out on our first for today and total the seventh qualifying round at 11 about 1 hour from now!

Then I assume it will be 14 and last at 17 Finnish time!

We just got some awesome breakfast thanks to ICA Gärdet! 🙂

She is ready! 😀

Here is some Finnish supporters from yesterday that bought some of our very last old shirts! 🙂

Stay tuned!

Q6 was everything but a good round!…. Due to some mess up when it was time to start the car, no water when it was time for the burn out so the tires got stuck totally! Backed up and gave it some more throttle and made the burn out, then I had a hard time to see the three!… And it took longer time than what I assumed for Jari to go into stage so I was standing a long time on the 2-step and the engine rpm went down so I released the button and then Jari was in stage so the pass started really bad and then I had the chutes out way early and we did not have third gear!…

After all we made a 3,96 @ 302km/h anyway!… There is room for improvement here for sure! 😉

BUT! The only good thing about the pass is that I found out that left lane is just as good as the right, so a really good job by the FHRA crew here at Kauhava! 😀

It’s time for a transmission change for some better numbers!

And service of it!

Giving the motor some love!

And Sofi is fixing something to eat thanks to our awesome partner ICA Gärdet! 😀

Made a 3.950 @ 302 km/h in Q5!

Car felt good all the way to around 250-300 foot! Then I drove through a looong but small shake and the car moved around a bit, felt like turbulence in the car! 😉

Well working on it and we will have one more round today in about 1.5 hour from now! 🙂

Better in Q4 with a 3.95 and slow speed at 298km/h!

Taking baby steps figuring out the track! And the track is getting better and better, a big plus this pass was the cooler track conditions! 🙂

The starting line is really good and want me to give it more power!

Out cruising! 😉

Pretty cool! 😀

Now some service of the car!

Follow the link below for livestream from this event! 🙂

The qualifying schedule for today Friday Finnish time is 11:00, 14:00 and 17:00!

It’s one more beautiful sunny warm morning here at Kauhava in Finland! 🙂

We got a new push car this weekend thanks to Krille! 😀

It’s breakfast time, thanks to ICA Gärdet for your support! 🙂

Everything is awesome here at Kauhava Raceway except that they have a huge problem with the electricity! The power turns off and on all the time, hopefully they will have a solution for it today!..

We did improve some in qualifying round 3 today to a 4.03 @ 299 km/h! Still low on power and I’m just trying to get familiar with the track! 🙂

We are sitting on the top of the qualifying list after day one here at Kauhava!

Little better, and have more data after a soft full pass to improve tomorrow (that’s my plan at least!) 😉

To this event we have some new team clothes from our partner Swedol Arninge that will make us look good, thanks for the support! 😀 “Dressed By Swedol”

We have got some food, the Chevelle is serviced and Sofi welded some cracks in the zoomies! 🙂

Me and Krille have started to change out some of the led drivers than got damaged on the Finnlines ferry because they have so shitty electricity onboard!…

And we are able to change them out thanks to Ossi Oikarinen from Double Zero Drag Racing Team because he contacted us and went by a place where he could find the right stuff for us! 🙂 We really appreciate that! 😀

When looking at the weather forecast for tomorrow it looks like we will have one more really hot and sunny day here at the track!

Thank you FHRA for letting us make a pass after the set time due to we did not have any power in the trailer because of some electrical trouble in the pit area! 🙂

We made a 4.11 with a low speed as a shake down in first round out for us and Q2 for the event!

Went into a shake at 1.6 seconds that got worse, went left and sideways with a couple of G:s and made a loooong peddling and got back into it, but at least I now got some data so I know what to try change for next round!

Next in about 1.5 hour from now!

Now service of the car and find a better tune for it! 😉

We are in Kauhava and it’s a beautiful morning here at the track! 🙂

Todays qualifying schedule is 11,14 and 17 Finnish time! We will miss the first one due to parts of the team are on the way to the track at the moment but at 14:00 we will burn some rubber! 😀

We are done with the tech inspection!

I’ve been to the drivers meeting, did not understand much but got some fellow racers that translated the important stuff! 😉 Haha!

Last stuff are made on the car!

Now let’s find a safe tune to just go down the track!

Some pics below from yesterday when we arrived to the track!


SjodinMotorsport @ Instagram

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