It’s Saturday and it’s been raining pretty much all day back and forward… Rain, stops, sun, rain, heavy rain, sun, more rain…. That’s how our day have been so far and the clock is soon 16:00!

No car have made a pass today, it’s not raining right now and the sun is out at the moment and heats pretty good, the crew are working on getting the track dry and ready for the teams here at Gardermoen Raceway!

And now it looks like it’s time!

Woke up around 5 this morning to heavy rain on the trailer roof!…

Around 9-10 the weather started to clear up and the crew was working on the track and the pit area started to get dry spots! But it was still cloudy and cold and we could feel the rain hanging above us!…

Then around 11 it started to rain lightly and went over to heavy rain to make sure to get everything really wet!… It still rains some and right now it once again went over to heavy rain!…

So far the weather forecast have been all correct!… If this continues this will be a loooong day of waiting it the pit!

I decided to do some changes to the fuel system to add some power and also even up the cylinder fuel distribution to make the motor happier! Hope we will be able to test it today but I do not think so, and if we get a chance I’m pretty sure that the track will be too cold to do what I want anyway!…

But the Vette is ready to warm up and make a pass, if we get a chance!

At least we have food and snacks to make the day better from our friends at ICA Gärdet! 🙂

Not much of a day to remember today when it comes to racing!…

I’m still way too low on power but I also want to be on the safe side with Jörgens motor! But I’m on to something! First round the track was way better than expected and the car had no wheel speed, in the second round the regulator on the Co2 bottle went loose… But the changes I made between Q1 and Q2 made the car go further out on the track and with a decent 60ft!

First round was a messy one… Bad communication from the track crew together with me doing a bad job as a driver!…

Pic below is to me for sure!

Så back on it tomorrow if we get a chance, the weather forecast does not look too good!…

Car is happy and ready for next round we get!

Everyone is happy around the dinner table! 🙂

Ok, let’s do this again!

Time for Q1 now!

It started to rain around 11:00 and did not stop until 30 minutes ago, clock is now 15:00!

The crew are working on the track to make it ready, and when the sun comes out it heats pretty good and we have around 18 degrees Celsius at the moment and the pit area dries up pretty quick!

We are ready when it’s time, whenever it is! Haven’t heard anything yet from the track crew yet!

Good morning Friday from Gardermoen Raceway!

Above is todays schedule, planned times for us is 12:00, 14:30 and 17:00!

Stay tuned! 🙂

A soft Thursday at Gardermoen Raceway today! 🙂

Me and Sofi arrived at Jörgens shop on Tuesday evening and we loaded the Vette and some other stuff (in rain of course! 😉 ) After a pizza dinner!

Then yesterday morning me, Sofi and Bänkt started the rainy trip to Norway and Gardermoen Raceway!

Arrived at Gardermoen Raceway around 18:00 and started to unload and build our pit!

After that we had some great dinner made by Bänkts wife Babsan! 🙂

Today we have spent the day making some changes on the Vette and relax some!

Inspected and approved!

Jörgen and Katrin arrived a little while ago and now it’s time for some dinner made by Jörgens mother! 🙂

Me and Sofi are now leaving the ÅBM Shop and heading for Team Ludvika to load up the Corvette tonight and then start the trip to Gardermoen Raceway tomorrow morning!

This coming weekend is the first of three racing weekends in a row, we are starting with Gardermoen in Norway for some EDRS Pro Modified racing with the Vette to get it tuned in!

After that on Sunday back home to Ludvika and service the car and then go to Tierp Arena for some FIA Pro Modified racing on Wednesday with the Vette and start put down some real numbers with it!

Then on Sunday after Tierp we are going to Stockholm to pick up the Chevelle, then go to Ludvika unload both cars take out all the parts that I “borrowed” to the Vette from the Chevelle, load the Chevelle and then go to Vansbro and make it ready and put back all the parts in it at Dala-Järna Raceway and make it ready for Dala Street Open and the exhibition race that will end the 2023 season!

So a lot of work in the coming 3 weeks and hopefully A LOT of fun also! 🙂

We did warm up the Corvette Saturday last week after getting it repaired, serviced and made some updates on it after Tierp in June so we are really looking forward to continue where the camshaft broke at Tierp!


SjodinMotorsport @ Instagram

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