Yesterday me and Sofi went to Lastvagnsverkstan in Smedjebacken and adjust some brakes on the trailer! 🙂

Felt kind of strange to have a working Sofi beside me and not a zzz zzz Max! 😉 This was actually the first time I did drive my own rig all by my self and also the first time I drive something like this since I got my driving license 19 weeks ago!

A huge thanks to Jörgen Berg at Lastvagnsverksta’n in Smedjebacken for helping me out getting the trailer brakes to work properly! Now we got 2 axles that works just like they should and I now know that I need to put on new brake shoes on the first axle to get the brakes on that to work like that should, nothing big but they are a little bit too much un even from side to side!… But that is something I will take care of in a couple of weeks or so!

More trailer progress last weekend, if you feel you got a lot of time and want a couple of extra days of work…. 😉 Install a fresh water tank in the place where you used to have your air compressor and then modify the air compressor to fit on top of the tank so it won’t take so much space in the trailer! But it for sure looks good and that’s important to me! 🙂 We are moving on with the trailer and more and more stuff on the to do list are getting done! Once again a HUGE thanks to Bengtssons Smide for fabricating the fresh and waste water tank to our trailer!

Friday last week it was finally time to get som dust of the race car, haven’t touched a screw on it for about 15 months!..

But me and Sofi took the Chevelle motor apart Friday, it’s been 445 days since I turned it off after the finish line when we made our world record setting pass with the 5.8813@242.55mph (390.35km/h) on the 1/4 mile at Santa Pod Raceway May 28 2019! I must say that I got pretty happy just by taking a look at my precious race car after this long time! 🙂

And everything did look just fine, couldn’t see anything that needs to be replaced! Must say that it is just awesome quality race car parts from the best companies in our little Chevy Big Block!

Not much to say about this, awesome parts working in a great harmony in the worlds fastest conventional headed Big Block Chevrolet! 🙂 And on top of that a tuning that is nice on the motor but still makes enough power to go fast, I saw on the graphs after our record setting 5.88 pass in England Santa Pod that it looks like I got plenty left in the motor and now after measuring and controlling all the parts in the motor I know I got plenty left because we did not hurt anything in the motor! Hope we can go back to @santapodraceway next year and tune it down in the 5.70:is! That would be awesome fun to show the world that the Brick From Hell is even quicker and faster without putting a Hemi in it! 😉 Parts are just going back in the motor again for some more passes!

Of course dad checked trough the heads, and they are still in good condition!

Sofi took out the third member and checked trough the chassis, all good!! And then she did put in some new burst panels on the blower and intake.

Max checked trough the transmission and did build a new one with some new ratios i bought so I can try to get some more wheel speed!

So we just did put everything back together again! Above is the parts we did change during a complete car service, pretty good if you ask me! 😉

And when the Chevelle was all done late Monday evening we did a good clean up in the trailer and loaded the race car in it for the first time in 450 days! I promise that it felt really good!! 🙂

A huge thanks to Tobbe at T. Grundström Plåtslageri and Peter and Patrik at Rörmekano In Vallentuna for helping me out getting an awesome deal on a water heater, water pump to the trailer and then also a pumping station to put in our kitchen in the tent to get the waste water from the kitchen sink to the waste water tank! 🙂

Way much appreciated so we can continue to work and move forward with the trailer even during this bad year!… Feels good to make progress on the trailer when we can’t race with the car.

A couple of weeks ago I dit remove the trailer outriggers because they are bent and in a really bad condition and have been since the day I bought the trailer, 5 years ago!… 🙂

And now when it’s time to finally finish install the new waste water tank that Bengtssons Smide fabricated for us I decided it was time to repair and get the outriggers straightened out before the tank are going into place!

So that is what me and Max got done 1 week ago and they are back on the trailer and we even got the waste water tank in place and was about to get the holding brackets tacked in when it started to rain!…

Well, hopefully I can weld the brackets on soon and get it installed fo real! We are moving on and it feels really good!! 🙂

Even the truck are getting som TLC and getting prepared for the season 2021! 🙂 I took the truck to Smedjebacken a couple of weeks to get help from Jörgen Berg at Lastvagnsverksta’n in Smedjebacken to switch out the clutch that have been on the to do list since we bought the truck in 2017! 😉 And then we need to change one air brake cylinder that have started to leak some… 🙁 Well it’s a good year to spend money on stuff around the race car at least!..

Forgot about a really great product that we got to the trailer in the beginning of this year thanks to Glenn at Sprinkler Resurs AB and Erik at Cinderella Eco Sverige AB!


A Cinderella Incineration Toilet! Or in Swedish Förbränningstoalett. An awesome good product if you are just like me and want to have a toilet in your racing trailer or somewhere else where you don’t have the option to take care of it or if you are just like me and REALLY DONT want to handle the number one and number two that you usually get rid of when you are visiting the bathroom… 😉

This is the thing for you! Its waterless and one month of normal using for one person ends up with one coffee cup of ash that is clean it’s hygienic and not a gross thing to handle! 🙂

This is the simplest solution for you that want a toilet that is simple to install and without the need of water or a waste water tank that you need to take care of! 🙁 And they have a couple of options both for your house, mobile vehicles, caravans and they offer both electricity and gas models! Contact Cinderella Eco Group at and get your new best friend! 😉

Look forward to get this installed in the trailer in the future! =D

#whennaturecalls #cinderella #cinderellaeco #cinderellaförbränningstoalett #förbränningstoalett #cinderellaincinerationtoilets #toalett #skitbragrej #tackförhjälpen #sprinklerresursab #trailerproject #trailerwork #trailerprogress #thewhitehell #shithouse #skithus #bathroom #badrum #aska #bättreblirdetinte #prisagudfördetta #inteäckligt #nummerettochnummertvå #villintehanteradet #topdoorslammer #abmracing #sjodinmotorsport

Moving on some with the trailer!

Friday last week was a beautiful day! Me and Max went to our long time partner Bengtssons Smide to pick up our new fresh water tank and waste water tank that they have fabricated to our trailer!

A huge thanks for continue to help us out even that the world are crazy like it is with this COVID-19 virus that have sabotaged the whole year 2020 for everyone!… And I am also happy that the company Blixtljuset AB that bought Bengtssons Smide a while ago from the original Bengtsson family decided to continue to help me out with my racing circus, way much appreciated! And one more fun thing, we took the truck to pick them up and it was the first time since a got my truck driving license over 3 months ago that I drove a truck! This year did not go as I planned at all! Well, at least now we got some parts for the trailer so we can move forward and maybe get the bathroom done soon! 🙂

Friday evening after we picked up our new fresh water tank and waste water tank from Bengtssons Smide we started to clean out the storage area in the front of the trailer where we are going to install the fresh water tank.

We did also try to install the waste water tank where I should be mounted and it worked just like the plan I did have, measure a hundred times and then fabricate it after the drawing once! Great team work by us and the people at Bengtssons Smide!! 🙂

This was also the first time in 3 months I did spend some time with Max due to this Covid-19 shit virus!… And of course we did celebrate it with some junk food!

GREAT SUCCESS! Very nice!!

On Saturday me and Max got the fresh water tank in in place the front storage of the trailer! I did know it would be pretty tight (because I wanted it as high as possible) but it did work even better than what I could imagine! Even that the forklift got really bad brakes or pretty much no brakes at all and we did run out of propane during the installation I did get it in trough that little door with precision! And before we put it in we did install a collect container with drain tubes that goes trough the floor that will catch the condensation water from it so it won’t get it inside the trailer! Must say that it feels really good to start over again with the trailer, it must be around 8 months since we did something big to move forward on the trailer project and it feels great!

More progress in the trailer and updates here soon I hope! 😉

I got this first pic made one year ago and all because I did have a gentleman visiting my trailer at the Doorslammers 2019! 🙂

One year ago today Darryl Bradford came to my trailer in England, I’m not sure but I think it was before we even made a pass or if it was during some drizzling. Anyway it was the first time (what I can remember) that I had a chat with him and I assume he was a bit interested about who I was now when I finally got my car to England and Santa Pod Raceway for the first time and I think this makes him the awesome speaker / commentator that he is, he search around to get info and fun facts to talk about before, during and after the run so he can introduce the racers for the spectators on the grand stands! I really wish more speakers could do that, I mean do the home work! =D

Anyway we did talk some and he was about to leave the trailer and he stopped and gets back to me and asks me “But Andreas I must ask you, why a Big Block Chevy? It must make it all so much harder!? All the other guys and girls are running Hemis” and I did reply without thinking one second, “BECAUSE ITS FUN” 😉 And everyone are able to buy a Hemi and I don’t want one! Well maybe the day I put my Chevy in a million pieces and it will be a stupid amount to repair it then maybe… 😉 Darryl just looked at me laughed and mumbled “because it’s fun, haha! You are different for sure” 🙂

And to be honest I don’t think he believed me (together with many more) that I would succeed with my goal with the trip to England and become the worlds fastest conventional headed standard bore space Big Block Chevrolet in a door car! I mean I needed to take away almost a whole second from my earlier personal best on the 1/4 mile!

But after a couple of passes he named our Swedish Self-Built Bad Ass Doorslammer “The House brick on wheels from hell!!” Look forward to hear you describe my Chevelle again and how patience Sofi is and stands beside me! Sad for sure that this years Doorslammer and Main Event got suspended…

So last year we ended up with a 5.8813 @ 242.55mph or 390.35km/h on the 1/4 mile!!! funny thing is that I haven’t done anything to the motor since 2017, no need to update anything because I haven’t used it all yet! Next funny thing is that I still haven’t used it all yet! I have done better on 60ft, 330ft and on the 1/8 mile before England last year so I know I have more in the motor and better numbers are coming!! I have spent A LOT of time looking at graphs and I got ideas and stuff to try out, 3.7? and 5.7? Is what I’m looking for next year at the 2021 Doorslammers! =)

#whydoyouwantachevy #iliketoparty #donttellmeicannotdo #recordsetting #worldrecord #fivesecondracecar #worldsfastest #housebrickonwheels #thebrick #santapodraceway #awesomespeaker #iwanttogoback #bigblock #chevrolet #convetionalheaded #topdoorslammer #doorslammers #prodoorslammer #greattimes #swedishselfbuiltbadassdoorslammer #abmracing #sjodinpower #chevypower #sjodinmotorsport

Season 2020, the year to get more than way prepared for the season 2021! Maybe the trailer will be all done!?!?

For one year I have been looking forward to one thing, heading for the Doorslammers and Main Event at Santa Pod in 2020!..

This should have been a little bit of a celebration year for me because in September it will be 10 years since I made the first pass ever with the brand new and the one and only Chevrolet Chevelle 65 outlaw doorslammer! 10 years already, It’s kind of crazy how time flies! 🙂

I have been quiet for a while now, how are you out there? Hope you all are feeling good and are healthy in these shitty Corona times!… 🙁

I started to prepare stuff around the race car really early last year and we are missing pretty much just fuel and then we need to service the car and we are ready to race again, but it haven’t been easy! First of all we have lost a lot of partners and the reason is that some of them have sold the companies, some are getting older so they have closed down the business and one really important partner left the world last year…. RIP Uffe! So right now getting the funds needed to race is pretty hard!

But still going to England in 2020 have been on my mind since we left last year so in some way I would make it happen!

Next thing, then I never started to service the car because it was a rumor going around in the beginning of February that we would not be allowed to make 1/4 mile passes on Main Event this year at Santa Pod (only 1/8 mile passes instead) and that is because some people don’t want us there at all at The Main Event… And if course it was not Santa Pod or Keith Bartlett that didn’t want us, (Keith made it possible for us to be there but only make 1/8 mile passes) he loves our outlaw doorslammers and the spectators at Santa Pod still talks about Doorslammer and Main Event 2019 and the awesome show that we gave them! Just like many times before its some specific people around a track in Sweden, some organizers and a couple of racers that don’t like us and I really wonder why people that are working for and around dragracing are working against our class?!?

It’s just stupid but of course, they are just afraid of us, that’s the only reason I can find in this childish behavior, people at the events, the spectators, media and all other tracks love to have us at the events because we are putting on a really good show and the ones that don’t wants us there can’t compete with our grown up behavior and quality so all I can say about them is just fu.. you! And I hope that this will bite you in the ass in the future if you continue to destroy for us!…

This is how she looks right now, haven’t done anything since I shut off the motor after the last record setting pass in May last year at Santa Pod!

This pretty much sums it all up, behind the back some racers, track owners, organizers and on top of that the Corona Virus!….

Decisions decisions!….

This is all we have done to the car so far, got the parts we needed to put one more spare trans together.

Suspended is a really boring word!… Think this is so sad, have been looking forward to one thing since we left the track that Tuesday morning after Main Event at Santa Pod last year…. Yes going back for the Doorslammers and Main Event in 2020! 🙁

Fuck that China Virus is all I can say!….

Some driving school!

Practice driving.

And finally, no more practice driving! 🙂 I decided I the beginning of February that if we are going to England I need to get that truck and trailer driving license fixed, and so I did. Bought some stuff to start studying the first week of February, 2.5 week later I made the theoretical test for the truck license, 1 week later I made the practical driving test, 1 week after that it was time for the theoretical test for the trailer license and then it was a long wait for almost 4 weeks to find a time for the practical driving test for the trailer license, but at this time I already knew that we won’t go to England because of the Covid-19 so I wasn’t in a hurry anymore!… But finally I can drive my own rig all by myself and I must say a HUGE THANKS to Max for all his help with the private practical driving that made my both driving licenses as cheap as possible! =)

Next thing I wanted to achieve before this season started was to lose 10 kilos (22 pounds) or so and of course I did, started January 12 and reached it April 9! So now what? Gain it so I can lose it once again to next year? Hahaah! 😉

Right now I don’t think we will do any racing at all this year…. Maybe some testing if the dates will work out for us in the team! But stay tuned more to come about work we have done on the trailer during the quiet time!


SjodinMotorsport @ Instagram

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