Ok, let’s do some more of this about what we have done on the trailer! 🙂

We made a little break on the trailer work during the summer of 2021 but in the end I September it was finally time again and we did install a sender in the waste water tank so we can see how much that’s in it, we also did the last stuff checking through the brakes fixed some lose backing plates / shields and got all moving stuff to move like that should and lubricated so they will continue to do that!..

And then we switched out the air ride leveling valves just to make sure they are ok and when we did I made it really easy to adjust the “standard” ride height on it just by moving a rod in a bushing so we really easy can lower it when we get to Germany next year (hopefully) on our way to England and Santa Pod Raceway!

Soon it’s not much big stuff left to do on it, just a lot of small stuff!

But it feels pretty good to see some kind of light in the tunnel! 😉

And then in mid October I felt it was time to start prepare for the 2022 season and go to Opus Bilprovning in Görla Norrtälje for the yearly inspection so we will be able to use our rig on the roads! 🙂 The year before I did not care about it because of Covid and I was pretty sure 2021 would be a year without racing for Sjödin Motorsport / ÅBM Racing so why waste money on it, right!? Anyway we did fix some stuff on the Scania truck last year to improve stuff we did know needed som TLC! 😉 And during 2021 we did continue to work on the trailer whenever we found some time for it, new air bags, new stuff in the ride ride system, found and fixed some issues with the brakes and much more when it comes to getting the trailer finished everywhere! And that payed off and also of course thanks to the great guys with an awesome customer service at the inspection place, just top notch if you ask me! 😀 That made us one big step closer to season 2022, really don’t know what it have to offer for us but we will be prepared for it and decide when some kind of series comes out in public!… This was actually the first time in 13 months that the rig left the shop area! I can tell it was happy to go for a ride! 😉

Pretty much direct after the inspection we finally after more then five years start to get satisfied with the front storage area! 🙂 Think it was in May 2016 that I connected some new led lamps and made a plan how it should look when I’m done with it, that’s was in October 2021!…

All stuff that can get damaged and are in the way when loading and unloading stuff is moved to a safer place, all air hoses and electrical stuff is cleaned up, we got a functional bathroom thanks to a fresh water tank from Bengtssons Smide, water pump and water heater from T.Grundström Plåtslageri and plumbing for waste and fresh water from Rörmekano in Vallentuna! I think it is just AWESOME GREAT!!

The life on a race track will be way more easier and soon, really soon I will be able to say the the trailer is done! 🙂 Feels really strange! 😉

Soon more to come about the trailer, stay tuned!

Ok, long time ago something happened here… But we have been doing things, especially on the trailer! 🙂

It’s time for an update!

Following pics are from the end of May 2021!

Me and Sofi did finish up the last stuff when it comes to the fresh water tank, she installed threaded bungs in the cap on the tank so we can fill it and get water to the water pump, ventilation for the tank and then also the fresh water tank sender unit so we simple can see how much water we got left! 🙂 Just excellent! 😉

Then it was time for some bathroom progress!

And how awesome is this!? 🙂

Peter from our partner Rörmekano in Vallentuna went by the shop and installed a new sink, shower and got all the plumbing stuff done in the trailer bathroom! And it looks just great, soon we will have a fully working bathroom in the trailer so it will be pretty much like being at home when we are at the track!

It’s all about having a good time and you will when everything around you is simple and good! 🙂

Plan was that he would continue with the rest of the plumbing stuff to the fresh and waste water tank but instead me and Sofi got a visit by COVID-19… 🙁 So we needed to cancel that for the moment!… But soon we will be able to wash our hands and take a shower next time we are going racing.

A huge thanks to Rörmekano for your support! 😀

Then due to the Covid shit I decided to cancel all the racing during 2021 so therefore it took to the end of August before we did some more progress on the trailer!….

But what an awesomeness! Me and Max got the water pump and water heater installed in the right place and then after that Peter and Patrik from Rörmekano in Vallentuna went by and did install all of the fresh hot and cold water tubing waste water tubing and I think it looks great! 🙂 I assumed all of that would take way much more space so this made me really happy because this is our storage space for our tent, tables, benches and much more that we got our in our pit space! Now when this are done I can do the last clean up when it comes to all the air tubing and electrical stuff in this area that looks like a real mess!….

After that it’s time to make the last things to make it a really smart storage area so all the stuff in there will have the special position to make it really simple to unload and load it!

Stay tuned, more new old news to come soon! 😉

A couple of weeks ago I decided that this is the first time in 10 years the Chevelle won’t leave the shop and make a pass down the track!… zzZ zzZ

It sucks and I’m more than disappointed about it!.. 🙁

But… There is to much shit this year that makes no time for racing and also there is no real series to make so instead we are trying to finish the trailer, maybe do some updates on the Chevelle for the first time since 2017! 😀

Concentrate uson the Åkes Bil & Motor work shop, have some free time, prepare the racing circus for 2022 and hopefully we will be able to go to England and Santa Pod Raceway and have a real Top Doorslammer series to make here in Sweden / Scandinavia and spend some time with all our awesome friends out there that we miss like hell!.. 🙂

#noracingthisyear #fucksaidandreas #itsucks #staysintheshop #sleepingchevelle #cancelled2021 #work #prepare #finishthetrailer #updatethechevelle #overandoit #topdoorslammer #abmracing #sjodinmotorsport

Finally. That turned out AWESOME!! 🙂

Looks great! Doesn’t it!? 😀

Pretty big difference compared to the look earlier.

After 13 months the rest of the Gladiator Garage Works Flooring is installed on the bottom floor in the trailer! It all started thanks to my old school friend Björn Linde that got some pieces over after putting a floor like this in his shop and I’m happy for that! Thanks to Gladiator Garage / Bara Kök & Bad for a great service and a good deal on the floor!

Feels really good to see this, I really like the details and it starts to look like I want to have it!

Now it’s not way much work left to do on the bottom floor and the upper floor is close to finished, it really start to feel that the trailer might get pretty much all done by the end of this year!

I also bought some new air bags for the trailer last week and I did hope that we might get one changed out just to see if I got the right stuff but Max made an awesome job and changed out all 6 of them even that the weather was against him with some rain, sun, snow, hail, blue sky, cloudy sky etc. like 500 times during the last weekend!

The biggest problem was that we needed to remove the fridge and a cabinet and make some holes it the interior to get access to the two bags in the front on both sides!

Just great! 🙂 Hopefully less problem in the future!… 😉

Ain’t this just awesome!

More storage space created thanks to some ideas and our partner Bengtssons Smide that helped out and fabricate some aluminum pieces that I could mount in the trailer with help from Sofi and some help from Björn from T. Grundström Plåtslageri because I needed to do some changes and he helped me out with it! Awesome people can make awesome stuff together!

A while ago we continued to look at the uneven brake power from side to side on the same axle because we got some sun and pretty decent weather to work outside in, that of course switched to some crazy windy and cold weather as soon as the tire and brake drum was off!.. BUT the good part, we probably found the real problem with the brakes, there is roller bearing on both brake shoes that attaches to the axle that forces them apart to contact the drum when braking, that roller bearing was not a bearing anymore, it was just a rusty solid piece… But with a hammer and some big tools we got it apart and now it’s back together again with a lot of copper paste so it hopefully will last for a while now, just got 5 more wheels to do the same work on and then the yearly inspection to see if it’s good or if we need to adjust the brakes to make them work like they should…

It at least feels good to spend time working on the trailer again! I really have a plan getting it done this year so we are able to make a full race season next year and not work on the trailer.

Much more to come soon! 🙂

Last year was not much of a racing season or even a season at all!.. But some special people and companies did help us out in a special way and therefore I got this picture made for them! 🙂

And of course out on social media’s it’s for all of you out there that supports us in some way by following us, share our stuff, like stuff here on Instagram, on Facebook, website and on our YouTube channel! 😀 You people are the reason I spend time putting out stuff on the internet, thanks for being a part of our racing circus!

Now lets hope we can make some racing sometime during this year! 😉

#partners #sponsors #specialpeople #thanksforyoursupport #allofyououtthere #loveyouguys #fans #friends #family #supporttheoneswhosupportyou #fuckcorona #chinavírus #topdoorslammer #abmracing #sjodinmotorsport

Got some more stuff done on the trailer during January! And It’s all about the details, and it turned out REALLY NICE!! Well at least that’s what I think! =D

Felt awesome making some progress on the trailer again, been on my way for a long time to do this but it’s always hard to find the time and spirit to do things but after some weeks off from work during Christmas and New Year I found it again!

Finally, it’s time to hide all the ugly looking electrical wiring and so up in the roof behind some aluminum! 🙂

Thanks to our partner Bengtssons Smide for material and fabrication and Sofi for helping me out make the last stuff on the parts and install them! <3

It did turn out nice, didn’t it!!

Then a couple of weeks later I spent some more time on the trailer starting to finish up the right side above the side trailer door.

I got some aluminum strips in place to cover all the ugly electrical cables and it made it all done and complete!

And when I was doing that I did install a fresh water and waste water gauge so it will be easier to check when it’s time to fill or drain them!

Also I did install one more storage box on the side door to keep stuff that you need close when we are out in the pit.

One more time thanks to Bengtssons Smide for supporting us and helping us out fabricating a lot of stuff that we need so we can get the last things done and maybe have the trailer pretty much all done during this year! (Well it will never be “done” but it might be finished at least) 😉 I really like all the details that makes it look good and clean, don’t you!?

Soon I’m all done with the front part of the bottom floor and I also get more storage room to hide stuff in all the time! 🙂

After the metalwork I did some update on the IKEA bureau we got in the trailer, I really don’t think it is supposed to be moved around like we do to be able to load 2 cars in the trailer… So some metal pieces mounted in it will make it stick in one piece from now on I hope!

A fun shop dust clean out movie from 2018, really start to look forward to the first start of the year again!… =)

Let’s leave 2020 in a long big smokey burn out behind us!!!!

Sjödin Motorsport / ÅBM Racing wish all of you out there a really Happy New Year! =)

Photo by David Beitler Photography!


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