Finally. That turned out AWESOME!!
Looks great! Doesn’t it!?
Pretty big difference compared to the look earlier.
After 13 months the rest of the Gladiator Garage Works Flooring is installed on the bottom floor in the trailer! It all started thanks to my old school friend Björn Linde that got some pieces over after putting a floor like this in his shop and I’m happy for that! Thanks to Gladiator Garage / Bara Kök & Bad for a great service and a good deal on the floor!
Feels really good to see this, I really like the details and it starts to look like I want to have it!
Now it’s not way much work left to do on the bottom floor and the upper floor is close to finished, it really start to feel that the trailer might get pretty much all done by the end of this year!
I also bought some new air bags for the trailer last week and I did hope that we might get one changed out just to see if I got the right stuff but Max made an awesome job and changed out all 6 of them even that the weather was against him with some rain, sun, snow, hail, blue sky, cloudy sky etc. like 500 times during the last weekend!
The biggest problem was that we needed to remove the fridge and a cabinet and make some holes it the interior to get access to the two bags in the front on both sides!
Just great! Hopefully less problem in the future!…
Ain’t this just awesome!
More storage space created thanks to some ideas and our partner Bengtssons Smide that helped out and fabricate some aluminum pieces that I could mount in the trailer with help from Sofi and some help from Björn from T. Grundström Plåtslageri because I needed to do some changes and he helped me out with it! Awesome people can make awesome stuff together!
A while ago we continued to look at the uneven brake power from side to side on the same axle because we got some sun and pretty decent weather to work outside in, that of course switched to some crazy windy and cold weather as soon as the tire and brake drum was off!.. BUT the good part, we probably found the real problem with the brakes, there is roller bearing on both brake shoes that attaches to the axle that forces them apart to contact the drum when braking, that roller bearing was not a bearing anymore, it was just a rusty solid piece… But with a hammer and some big tools we got it apart and now it’s back together again with a lot of copper paste so it hopefully will last for a while now, just got 5 more wheels to do the same work on and then the yearly inspection to see if it’s good or if we need to adjust the brakes to make them work like they should…
It at least feels good to spend time working on the trailer again! I really have a plan getting it done this year so we are able to make a full race season next year and not work on the trailer.
Much more to come soon!