A new year a new country at a new track with a new design on the Chevelle! =D
I started to get a little bit tired of the old look that I’ve got for the past 9 years or so on the car, our new partner Clearwrap and the guys behind it, Micke, Victor, Andre and Putte made an incredibly awesome work with a short notice helping me wrap the sides on the car in the end of last week and also make a lot of sponsor decals for me to put on afterwards.
I think it looks awesome with matte white pearl on the sides! What do you guys think!?
I want to say a huge thanks to all of our partners and sponsors that made this trip possible for us to do! Love you all! =D
After a well needed night of sleep we got the Chevelle out and have started to build the rest of our pit space that we didn’t finished last night when it got dark outside…
Soon will the rest of the team arrive from the airport and we will start to prepare everything for tomorrow’s qualifying!